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I don't have an account in America 🇺🇸. And the social security number for non-citizens was not given to me. I'm not in America right now. I have been living in France for a few years. The real problem is that everything was fine at home because I was in the sale of cosmetics and I also did hairdressing. But in 2020 with the coronavirus disease things really changed for me. I lost everything 😞 and my two stores were closed. A few years later. I received a fine from the tax authorities telling me that I have to pay the tax. And some customs taxes; the expenses were so high that I could not find the means directly to do it. Gold ; as the months pass; there is a certain increase that is added. My income has also started to drop because I have no job so far; I applied as I could but my chances were low. It was in this verme of financial disruption that I met Peter. Who supported me as he can. But can't afford it either. So we decided to ask generous people for help. Life in general has never been easy for me since my childhood and I suffer from it almost every day. I even told Peter that I don't want to continue in this miserable life that has been eating away at me for all these years and that if it continues over and over again. He should be sure not to hear from me again because I'm going to kill myself. I can't take it anymore.However ; if you have any concerns or questions or wish to have certain necessary documents. Do not hesitate to ask me. I am open to you.

Alexis Texas 




Started on 12/08/2023
Viewed 70x

Fundraiser organised by:

Peter Zimmer

Peter Zimmer


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Started on 12/08/2023
Viewed 70x
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