Afghanistan: Unterstützung und Hilfe in Notsituationen

Afghanistan: Unterstützung und Hilfe in Notsituationen
Birgit Foge

DE/AFG Seine Mutter ist an Krebs erkrankt. Die Behandlungskosten für seine Mutter sind für ihn alleine nicht aufzubringen.

Available in:  German

31.01.2023 Update

1000 ♥️ Danke an die Menschen, die sich überwinden konnten zu spenden. Ich weiß, es ist nicht selbstverständlich. Wir haben jetzt das Geld  für 2 Chemo Behandlungen zusammen. Aber das reicht leider nicht. Sie braucht noch mindestens 2 weitere, besser wären 4 Behandlungen. Jeder Betrag hilft & alles kommt zu 100 % an. Versprochen ! 

DE.  Hi, ich heiße Birgit. Seit fast acht Jahren versuche ich Menschen aus anderen Ländern zu helfen, die nach Deutschland kommen und versuchen, einen neuen und besseren Ort zum Leben zu finden. Die meisten von ihnen versuchen jeden Monat Geld an ihre Familien z.B. in Afghanistan oder Syrien zu schicken... auch weil die Familien dies von Ihnen erwarten und fordern. Aber oft haben sie selbst hier in Deutschland nicht genug für ihr eigenes Leben. Einer meiner engsten Freunde ist SAM aus Afghanistan. Er machte 4 Jahre lang eine Ausbildung zum Naturwerkstein-Mechaniker. Letzten Sommer schaffte er den Abschluss. Und dies, obwohl er nur wenige Zeit zur Schule gegangen war in seiner Heimat. Nun erkrankte seine 63 Jahre alte Mutter letztes Jahr an Krebs. Sie lebt mit ihrem älteren Sohn in AFG. Sie sind sehr arme Menschen, der Vater lebt schon lange nicht mehr. Er wurde in Afghanistan von den Taliban erschossen als Sam noch ein Kind war. Seine Familie, seine Mutter kann sich die Kosten für die medizinisch notwendige Behandlung nicht leisten. Auch gibt es in diesen Zeiten keine Chance auf adäquate medizinische Hilfe in AFG. Also ging sie nach Pakistan und bat und bittet jetzt ihren jüngsten Sohn, Sam, Geld, viel mehr Geld als zuvor zu senden, um die Rechnungen für Chemotherapie, Essen und Unterkunft in Pakistan bezahlen zu können. Jede Einheit der Therapie kostet etwa 700 €, da sie keine Verwandten dort haben müssen sie in einem Hotel bleiben oder manchmal ist die Mutter auch im Krankenhaus untergebracht. Aber vorher muss immer erst die nächste Behandlung bezahlt sein. In der Zwischenzeit hat Sam’s Firma aber für 3 Monate wegen des Winters geschlossen. Also verdient er im Moment kein Geld und bekommt selber nur sehr wenig vom Staat. Er bat alle seine Freunde um Hilfe und auch mich. Jeder, der konnte, half und gibt Geld. Aber es ist nicht genug, um die Krankenhausrechnungen etc. zu bezahlen. Also habe ich beschlossen, dich /Sie um Hilfe zu bitten. Jede Spende zählt . Jede Summe kann helfen. Es ist vielleicht die einzige Chance, einander  noch einmal wiederzusehen... vielleicht. Sam kann nicht zurück nach Afghanistan oder Pakistan, um sie zu sehen. Auch hat seine  Mutter nur ein sehr altes Handy, es ist kein Smartphone. Sie können sich also nicht sehen. Die Situation ist sehr schlecht und macht ihn hoffnungslos und unendlich traurig. Mich berührt dies sehr. 

Ich sage jetzt „vielen Dank für  dein/Ihr Interesse“ an meinen Worten. Vielleicht kannst du /Sie etwas Geld erübrigen. Jeder € oder $ wird zu 100% verwendet, um seiner Mutter dort zu helfen. wenn etwas übrig sein sollte auch anderen Menschen dort.Aber es wird zuerst seine Mutter sein und dann erst Menschen, die ihm oder seiner Familie persönlich bekannt sind.

Vielen Dank ?‍ ♥️ Eure Birgit

Hi, my name is Birgit. For almost eight years I have been trying to help people from other countries who come to Germany and try to find a new and better place to live. Most of them try to send money to their families every month, e.g. in Afghanistan or Syria... also because the families expect and demand it from you. But often, even here in Germany, they do not have enough for their own lives. One of my closest friends is SAM from Afghanistan. He trained as a natural stone mechanic for 4 years. He graduated last summer. And this even though he had only gone to school for a short time in his home country. Now his 63-year-old mother contracted cancer last year. She lives with her older son in AFG. They are very poor people, their father has been dead for a long time. He was shot and killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan when Sam was a child. His family, his mother cannot afford the cost of medically necessary treatment. Also in these times there is no chance of adequate medical help in AFG. So she went to Pakistan and asked and is asking her youngest son, Sam, to send much more money than before to pay the bills for chemotherapy, food and shelter in Pakistan. Each unit of therapy costs about 700 €, as they do not have relatives there they have to stay in a hotel or sometimes the mother is also accommodated in hospital. But first the next treatment must always be paid for. In the meantime Sam’s company has closed for 3 months due to the winter. So he doesn't earn any money at the moment and gets very little from the state himself. He asked all his friends for help and me too. Anyone who could, helped and gives money. But it's not enough to pay the hospital bills etc. So I decided to ask you/her for help. Every donation counts . Any amount of money can help. It may be our only chance to see each other again... maybe. Sam can't go back to Afghanistan or Pakistan to see her. Also, his mother only has a very old cell phone, it is not a smartphone. So you can't see each other. The situation is very bad and makes him hopeless and infinitely sad. I am very moved by this. I now say “thank you very much for your interest” in my words. Maybe you can spare some money. Every € or $ is used 100% to help his mother there. But it will first be his mother and then only people who are known to him or his family personally.

Thank you ?‍ ♥️ yours Birgit

2023/ 01/ 31 Update 

1000 ♥️ Thanks to the people who could overcome themselves to donate. I know it's not self-evident. We now have the money for two chemo treatments together. But that's not enough. She needs at least  2 more treatments, 4 treatments would be better for her. Every amount helps. thank you so much ?‍♀️?☀️

Hi, my name is Birgit. For almost eight years I have been trying to help people from other countries who come to Germany and try to find a new and better place to live. Most of them try to send money to their families in Afghanistan or Syria every month... because the families expect and demand it from you. But often, even here in Germany, they do not have enough for their own lives. Many Relations@Home think only because Germany is such a rich country that everyone who lives here has more than enough to live on. One of my closest friends goes Sam from Afghanistan. He trained as a natural stone mechanic for 4 years. He graduated last summer. And this even though he had never gone to school in Afghanistan. His successful four-year training in Germany still seems like a miracle to me. Now his 63-year-old mother contracted cancer last year. She lives with her older son in AFG. But they are very poor people, the father is long gone. He was shot and killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan when Sam was a child. His family, his mother can't afford the cost of medical care. Also in these times there is no chance of adequate medical help in AFG. So they went to Pakistan and asked and are asking their youngest son, Sam, to send more, much more money to pay the bills for chemotherapy, food and lodging in Pakistan. Each unit of therapy costs about 700 €, as they do not have relatives there they have to stay in a hotel or sometimes the mother is also accommodated in hospital. But first the next treatment must always be paid for. In the meantime, Sam’s company has closed for 3 months due to the winter. So he doesn't earn any money at the moment and gets very little from the state himself. He asked all his friends for help and me too. Anyone who could, helped and gives money. But it's not enough to pay the hospital bills and for his mother's life. So I decided to ask you/her for help. Every donation counts . Any amount of money can help. Even if his mother may not survive... No one knows. But this may be our only chance to see each other again... maybe someday. Sam can't go back to Afghanistan or Pakistan to see her. Also his mother has only a very old handy, it's not a smartphone. So they can't see each other. The situation is really very bad and makes him hopeless and infinitely sad. I am very moved by this.

I now say “thank you very much for your interest” in my words. Maybe you can give me some money. Every € or $ is used 100% to help his mother and perhaps other people in difficult situations there. But it will first be his mother and then, if possible, people known personally to him or his family. Thank you ?‍♀️ your Birgit




Started on 27/01/2023
Viewed 743x

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Birgit Foge

Birgit Foge



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Started on 27/01/2023
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