Help Needed

Help Needed

Help Needed 🙏


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Dear friends, family, and supporters,


My name is Davide, and today I reach out to you with a sincere request. Life often throws unforeseen challenges our way, and I currently find myself facing one of those situations.


Behind me, I have endured multiple knee surgeries, each one presenting its own set of physical and financial hurdles. These procedures have not only taken a toll on my body but also on my finances, leaving me in a precarious situation.


Despite my best efforts, securing new employment has proven to be a daunting task. Applications are sent out, interviews come and go, but the breakthrough I need remains elusive. This period of uncertainty has brought not only financial strain but also emotional challenges.


Bills for groceries, rent, and other essential expenses are piling up, and I am confronted with the challenge of making ends meet. As a single individual without savings, this is an especially difficult phase.


However, I am determined to overcome this challenge and embark on a fresh start. I have a clear plan on how to leverage my skills and experiences to redirect my professional path in a positive direction. This is where you come in.


I am launching this  campaign to gather support for this transition. Your donations will be used to cover my basic needs while I work on my professional reboot. Whether it's for further education to enhance my skills or to cover living expenses during this transitional period, every donation counts and is appreciated.


Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Share this campaign with your network, tell your friends about it, and let's make this fresh start possible together.


From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support during this challenging time.


With gratitude,






Gestartet am 08.02.24
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Davide Giusti

Davide Giusti


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Gestartet am 08.02.24
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