Help Marina return home to the Black Forrest ! I miss my Family !

Help Marina return home to the Black Forrest !  I miss my Family !
Marina Kerlin

Heimweh nach dem Schwarzwald


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Hallo !

Mein Name ist Marina und ich würde sehr gerne wegen psychischen Problemen wieder in den Schwarzwald zurück, nach 13 Jahren in der schönen Schweiz !Wäre vielleicht jemand bereit eine Kleinigkeit zu spenden ,damit ich mir den Umzug finanzieren kann ?

Ich wäre unendlich dankbar !

Hello !

My Name is Marina and i have lived in beautiful Switzerland for 13 Years.

Now as i am getting older and my Health is declining,i deeply wish to return to the Black Forrest in Germany to be close to my Family !

I am living on a small pension and receive additional benefits from the Swiss State but unfortunately,i cannot afford the costs of this move on my own.

This transition is vital for my well- being, as being surrounded by loved ones will provide me with the comfort and care i need!

I am reaching out to you with a humble heart,asking for your support to make this dream possible! Any contribution, no matter how small,will bring me one step closer to home!

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.

May God bless you !

with gratitude,





Gestartet am 17.05.24
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Marina Kerlin

Marina Kerlin


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Gestartet am 17.05.24
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