Help Aleiu to establish his sheep breeding to help the local villages

Help Aleiu to establish his sheep breeding to help the local villages
Robin Feldmann

Help him to buy 10 female sheep and necessary medicine, to establish and stabilize his business and supply the villages.


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As-salamu alaykum !

Aleiu Bah is a young entrepreneur from the Gambia (smallest country of westafrica).

Reproducing Rams is the next step for “Derekodeh Enterprise”. 

Help him to buy 10 female sheeps, so he can become an independent sheep breeder! 

With your help, he can supply the surrounding villigaes with the highly demanded, quality Rams for Tobasski (Eid ul-Adha).

About Aleiu and Derekodeh Enterprise:
Born in a small village, he dedicated his live to serve his people and his beloved family. 

Aleiu knows, to provide a stable income and become independent from the poor vages of the government, he has to walk many extra miles!

 He went to college to study ART and Agriculture and successfully accomplished different business trainings like 
-business management
-record keeping
-financial literacy

Starting with 7 animals, he founded his own business called “Derekodeh Enterprise”.  His goal is, to become independent of low quality Rams (wich are mostly imported from Senegal) and provide high quality Rams for the surrounding villages, in a remote area of Gambia. 

He also supports women's gardens by supplying them with manure and is very active in the “Global youth platform Gambia” (program manager) and is part of the network of “young entrepreneurs”. 

With just a small investment he can reduce his cost to more than 40% and become self-sufficient and independent from external stakeholders. 
With a small donation we can support a muslim brother in Westafrica. Your participation will benefit him, his family and the whole villages around! 

Thank you, may Allah bless you! 
((For more informations, or access to his business plan, contact him directly: +220 14***2))




Gestartet am 09.05.23
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Robin Feldmann

Robin Feldmann


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