Nico's last wish

Nico's last wish

I want to go to Disneyland!


A matter close to our hearts - Nico's last wish My name is Nicole Kiener. I am 36 years old and a single mother of 3 wonderful boys (Leonard 10, Niclas 8 and Nico just turned 7). We were a well-coordinated team until Nico was diagnosed with blood cancer 4 weeks after starting school, in September 22. He suffers from acute lymphatic leukemia. A marathon of weeks-long inpatient stays, countless high-dose chemotherapy treatments, examinations, isolation, giving up his brothers, his friends, his usual life began... a truly brave fighter. The initial therapy looked promising at first, before the next shocking news came in December that Nico could only get well through a stem cell transplant. A race against time began and the search for a suitable donor began. A moment of happiness reached us. A donor had been found. But he withdrew his consent. A second donor was promptly excluded for medical reasons. The search for donor 3 continued. He is there too, but unfortunately Nico's cancer is stronger and more aggressive. Nico has exhausted all treatment options. Conventional medicine has run its course. He has not responded to treatment. A transplant will not take place. Nico has an unforeseeable, short life left. He is still stable, but nobody knows how long it will stay that way or how long he can still be with us. His condition can deteriorate extremely from one day to the next. After the devastating diagnosis in September, I asked him what his greatest wish was: "I want to go to Disneyland!" Hence my appeal for donations. I wish for nothing more for Nico and his brothers than that we create an unforgettable memory one last time, that I can look into their shining eyes and that perhaps in this moment the world feels normal and good for everyone once again. But in order to realize this dream, I need quick financial help. I don't know, any more than the doctors do, how many grains are left in his hourglass. Please help me make Nico's last wish come true. Thank you.




Started on 26/12/2024
Viewed 34x

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kiener anton

kiener anton



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Started on 26/12/2024
Viewed 34x
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