Feed a Family

We are seeking to reach 100 families by Christmas who have been affected by the drought and famine in Kenya
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Owing to the current issue of climate change, weather patterns have changed and due to our high dependence on rain for farming activities, Kenya and other nations in the horn of Africa have suffered greatly from hunger, famine and drought, the worse in a number of decades. In addition to the government intervention which is not enough, we trust that it is also our responsibility in our capacity as a community organisatio to appeal to well wishers to give us a helping hand to reach out to families that have moved into the worlds largest slum kibera in search of food and settlement as a result of the looming hunger and drought. We look forward to your collective support and sharing of this campaign to those who can help in the short term and longterm.
Fundraiser organised for:

Hands of Grace community Group
Fundraiser organised by: