rare disorder, we urgently need help for our father

rare disorder, we urgently need help for our father
Jonas Muth

Within months our father developed small Fiber neuropathy , through medication change to cymbalta after accident


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Hello folks, My name is Jonas Muth and I am turning to you today with an urgent request, which has become a tormenting nightmare for our family for several months. My father has been battling an extremely exotic neurological disorder for almost a year that has turned his life upside down. A small fiber neuropathy (PostVac too) triggered by the drug Cymbalta, by a cold switch (without tapering) from Cipralex 7mg (never had neurological problems) to the drug Cymbalta by a doctor. This has damaged and irritated his nervous system, causing pain, burning and numbness, tingling in many areas of the body and many other discomforts. But that's not all. The lengthy withdrawal process (the drug was never tolerated and there is still a residual dose in the body) PAWS syndrome made the situation even worse. His damaged nervous system continues to be irritated and disrupted and these processes can take months, or in some people years, until the brain has adapted and even then, irreversible damage remains in some people.

The list of symptoms is getting longer and longer: paresthesias that vary throughout the whole body, even in the mouth area, muscle spasms and twitches, occasional speech problems, visual disturbances and an uncontrollable tremor that shakes his entire body. The body partially vibrates 24 hours a day. The transmission of stimuli is disturbed, sweat hardly comes out of the left side of the body anymore (vagus nerve disturbed) and the list of symptoms is getting longer every day, with no visible improvements for over 8 months. Autonomous processes no longer run synchronously (sweating, goosebumps, etc.) sometimes on one side then on the other side, as can be partially seen in the following pictures). (Goosebumps and body reaction only on one side) (Disturbances in hands and feet, at the same time, one hand warm, other ice cold increased in waves). This happens, for example, in one of the withdrawal waves that never end: Parts of the body fall asleep, have little or no blood supply, feel like they are dead, cannot be controlled, and it spreads to the whole body, some things come back, some don't. A small example from the daily madness: small fiber neuropathy, irritation of the nervous system caused by the drug Cymbalta and this after months of dose reduction... And he fights against it every day to improve blood circulation and the function of the muscles and nerves. It's like fighting against windmills.

Dietary supplements, changes in diet, Tens treatment, physical training, vibration plates and many other measures have been tried and are partly being retained. Unfortunately, all previous measures have only had a limited effect and have not been able to help in the long term, and various attempts have also been made by doctors. In order to give him the best possible treatment, he urgently needs outpatient and, above all, holistic treatment. This includes measures that go beyond normal everyday neurological treatment, applications that have been tried and tested in some cases and bring improvements in some cases, but also approaches that are considered... Healing attempts are to be seen that help one person or another. For some, the study situation or the application observations are very positive, but these are often not yet or only partially included in the KV service catalog, although they can bring significant improvements. The costs for this treatment are sometimes high: High-dose infusions (micronutrients, procaine, DMSO, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, etc. but also substances that stimulate regeneration, special peptides), hyperthermia, Axomera therapy, purification of the blood (inupheresis, there are now more developed procedures here), ozone therapy, Stimulation procedures and many other measures that can also promote detoxification (from the medication and the vaccination) and trigger regeneration. This will and would start with the appropriate resources in short intervals in the outpatient area and, if necessary and continues to deteriorate, continue in the inpatient setting, environmental clinic, naturopathic clinic, if necessary also abroad. Here too we are already at the discussion level, an outpatient stay is scheduled for August, because of the waiting time, it may be far too late for that. We are in discussions because this is an extreme case and yet extreme measures may be necessary. This means that, in case of doubt, even higher costs could arise. Hopefully foundations or other institutions will also support this if the disease continues to progress rapidly. (Normal clinics only have limited approaches to rare disorders in a specific area and do not see the big picture!)


Update: Medical documents extracts are partly a bit older, the development was not yet so extreme, partly relatively recent, such as the referral for the rare diseases center That's why we ask you from the bottom of our hearts ♥️ for your support. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us to provide our father with the urgently needed treatment (in an outpatient setting if his motor skills continue to decline in an inpatient setting) and to give him and, above all, our family hope for a better future. In the past he has received a lot of incomprehension and rejection, sometimes from doctors who were not familiar with the clinical picture, but also occasionally from friends and individual family members, partly due to lack of knowledge about the clinical picture, sometimes due to helplessness as to how to deal with it. However, specialists in neurology and pain therapists, holistic doctors, environmental medicine specialists and alternative practitioners have confirmed the illnesses with their diagnosis. There are probably many similar cases (Postvac and SFN triggered by medication). The problem in this case is that the source of the problem, the medication, is still in the body and that reducing the dosage is very dangerous at the moment and that the right decisions must therefore be made in order not to need care, as is the case with some other injured people generate. If you are interested in finding out more about this problematic drug, we can recommend the CymbaltaHurts forum on Facebook with lots of people who sometimes need years to get away from this prescribed drug nightmare. Further sources: Prof. Healy, (a leading neurological figure in England), who carries out studies and surveys in the area of small fiber damage caused by psychotropic drugs. He fights every day for his life and to restore his health and tries to rise above his problems. Our family has long since exceeded the limit of sacrifice, both in caring for our dad and in our own psychological stress.


Thank you in advance for your generosity and support during this difficult time, I wish you and your loved ones all the health in your lives! If you have any questions about documents or further information, especially for doctors and holistic physicians, I would ask you to contact us via the contact link. This gives you the opportunity to exchange further details and get in touch personally. Please spread this call, this link… Jonas Muth, Joel Muth and the helper of the campaign




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Jonas Muth


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