Jad Needs You !

Brain trauma following a bike accident, hospital needs payment upfront, insurance won't cover anything because of bureaucracy
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My son, who is my biggest friend and companion in life, 17 years old, is a bright boy. Brave, intelligent, compassionate and good friend of everyone around. He's in his final year of school and preparing for the university. He wanted to study economics and management. His dream is to have his own project, and support his own family and do good.
Jad got a motorbike last year with his own money, that he saved through the years from his pocket money when I was doing well. The bike would allow him go to his school everyday. Little did I know that this transportation tool would put his life in danger one day. But it happened last week.
My phone rings, I pick up, our neighbour tells me "Uncle, Jad had an accident here, he's okay but you need to come".. I fly to the place he told me, and I see jad laying on the hot asphalt, not moving, and his nose is bleeding. A Ford Focus with broken windshield is nearby.
We called the ambulance, they came in around 90 minutes, took him to a hospital, they didn't admit him cause they don't have an scanner or MRI. We had to be quick, his life matters the most, so we droppped him in the nearest hospital. They had what he needs, but it's a private hospital. I had to give them his school money as a deposit before they do anything.
SO, they put him in the scanner and find a hematoma in his brain, in a sensitive area near the thalamus and decide to keep him plugged in the intensive care for surveillance and further observations. The boy was unconscious up to this point. And we, scared watching our lives go meaningless.

Next day, He opens his eyes, but canot focus or cmmunicate. He shakes his head for yes or for no to answer questions, looking with empty eyes to nowhere. So the doctors run an MRI, and find more brain damage.
I had to put the last penny I have, and got some help from my family, to cover that MRI and two more nights in the ICU.
Starting the 4th day iad until this moment, he is screaming day and night, and is so agitated that they have to attach his hands ad legs so he won't harm himself. Between screams, he speaks some words, and some of them could be understood, some not.
Further CT scans and MRIs were done, no further damage than what was revealed so far, was revealed, however, the doctors say he has to stay under their surveillance in the hospital. I simply cannot afford it financially, simply because my family's health insurance is not running, because of a missing paper of which I was not informed.
Each night in the hospital, scans, medicines included, averages for 900$, and that is beyond any amount i can get from my surrounding. It's been 4 years now, since the covid mass job losses, that I'm freelancing for just enough money to provide food.. and if my inability to provide more is my fault, it is definitely not his.
If Jad's story touches you, if you could see his heart through these lines, and you are able to help with anything, please don't hesitate. Don't under estimate any amount, and if you cannot, don't let it stop, please share it with people you think can do something, especially those who have children with big dreams.
Between his unconscious screams there is one phrase that is very clear although spoken with difficulty. He says multiple times: "I will do the possible and the impossible, and have my project".
If you have read till here, whether you are able to help or not, THANK YOU !
(I edited his face in the photo and video in respect to his privacy)
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