Help Vulnerable Ukrainians

Help Vulnerable Ukrainians

Crowdfunding to raise funds for the vulnerable people in Ukraine


In February 2022, the Russian forces invaded Ukrainian territory under the pretext that the Ukrainian government was plotting to attack Russia once the country joined the Northern Alliance Treaty Organization (NATO).  In the first five weeks of the invasion, more than four million Ukrainians had to flee into neighbouring countries such as Poland and Moldova while millions became internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ukraine.

Ukrainians in certain part of Ukraine had to endure the constant shelling and airstrikes by Russian forces.  Many who were able to flee found safety in other parts of the country but there are many who remained in their homes, unable to flee.  These groups consist mostly of the elderly and children as they have no where else to seek refuge.   The airstrikes and shelling have also destroyed many of the infrastructures such as electricity, water, heating and access to life support such as food and medicine.  The Russian forces had constantly targeted essential infrastructures such as electric stations and generators, causing many to endure the cold winter months without electricity, heat and water supply.  Roads are also damaged due to the constant airstrikes and shelling, and this impacted the access of Ukrainians to important support services such as medical, food etc. 

The war has lasted two years without an end in sight and many of these vulnerable Ukrainians need supplies which they are not able to access due to the war. For example, many elderly people suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases which needed to be controlled by long term medication.  In these cold winter months where temperature can easily drop to minus 30 degree Celsius, people are struggling to survive as they have no heating or power supply, and even clean water is scarce. 

We are a group of volunteers planning to fundraise for the Ukrainians living in various part of Ukraine.  Our target population are the voiceless and vulnerable, including the elderly, children, disabled and the homeless.  They are voiceless as many are no aware of their current situation and suffering. They may not have access to the internet to show the world their suffering due to the lack of infrastructure or they may not even know how to use the internet.  The team is making plans to go to Ukraine as part of the humanitarian mission to provide assistance to the vulnerable people by distributing items which they urgently need to survive. 

We hope that with your generous support, we can make a difference in the lives of these vulnerable Ukrainians who are suffering from the pain caused by the war.   Our team is committed to assisting as many Ukrainians as possible.  No matter how difficult, our team will not stop helping those who are in need in Ukraine.  As such, we are appealing to your kindness in donating to this cause so that the team will be able to purchase the necessary items (e.g. medicine, food etc.) and bring it to the vulnerable people who are in need. Receipts of the purchased items will be updated on this site so that the donors are able to see where the money have been used. Any amount is much appreciated and the amount may amount to a hamburger, but it will definitely make a difference to the life of the person which you are assisting because the money could be utilized to buy their groceries for a week, or even the much-needed medication and bring hope into their lives.

As volunteers and donors, we are unable to change the fact that war is happening in Ukraine however as humanitarians, we can make a difference in the lives of the innocent and vulnerable by providing them a hope for the future.  There are possibly 30 million people in the land who must undergo the suffering of war and while many may not survive and eventually face death, our team is committed to bringing these people some hope and warmth.  We hope that they can continue to live their lives in dignity until death. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support and God bless.




Gestartet am 24.02.24
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Joanne Yoong

Joanne Yoong



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