Help Momo walk and play Painfree

Help Momo walk and play Painfree

Momo has Bone Luxation in both front arms which means one of each is not growing, causing him pain when he walks and runs


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Momo needs your help to feel better.


I am not someone who will buy Animals from breeders and social media platforms, also I am not so active in the group where this boy was put up, But destiny- that morning while scrolling the group chat on my phone I came across this sweet lil face, at first I appreciated how beautiful he was and ran past the picture with small description that he can be bought in few hun euros 💶 , all his toys, litter box and food will be given along with him.


Half a day passed by but I don’t know why me and my husband kept thinking about him, finally we broke the silence and asked each other- we have 3 cats, that’s odd number and we miss an orange one, should we get him (without knowing the whole backstory, we were ust teasing wach other)😂😂


Behold the destiny- I ended up writing a personal message to the Owner asking why they are letting this lil one go, my intention was to help or guide them if they are facing allergies as the only issues (severe or slight- it makes difference)


They explained - allergies was the main issue.


So here I am- Adopted momo, the person came within 2 hours to my home, dropped Momo and his stuff(person also had 3 kids who were upset to let go Momo but they couldn’t influence Dad)


It took me only 24 hours to identify that Momo’s bonkers aren’t normal, within a week we went yo VET, they confirmed the bAd news- Momo was born with Deformed  front-legs.


We have seen 3 Orthopedic special doctors so far, seems this is a complicated case, now we have been referred to highly specialized senior doctor who may or many not be able to help.


Doctors said Momo is constantly in pain, but he runs and plays all day long, he is the sweetest baby, purrs so loud, is very clingy and typical Mommy’s baby.


Doctor said- He doesn’t know there is life without pain hence he doesn’t want to sit and cry, he will run and play but that doesn’t mean the pain is gone- this statement broke my heart.

Financially it’s getting tougher but I want to try everything possible for Momo, Estimated cost could be 3000-8000 Euros depending upon what type of procedure doctor will advise 




Gestartet am 06.11.23
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Sujata Pathak

Sujata Pathak


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