Help a family in Gaza

Help a family in Gaza

We are fundraising for our family in Gaza, whose home was destroyed. My aunt, her husband, and five kids have suffered


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On October 22, 2023, my aunt Nesreen and her husband Munther suffered the loss of their home due to Israeli bombardment. They lost all their belongings, everything they owned, including clothes, toys, furniture, and everything that you would find in a home. Their home was not only a source of livelihood; it encapsulated their memories and dreams. It was where they raised their five beautiful kids, Heba, Omar, Ahmad, Ali, and Nadine.

Heba is 23 years old. She graduated from university last year with a degree in English translation. Since graduating, she has worked as an English teacher. Before October 7, she was about to start a new job in project coordination, following her passion for community outreach and helping others. She spent her free time volunteering with NGOs and local organizations supporting youth in Gaza. Ahmad, 21, and Omar, 19, are university students studying Information Technology. Their university was also destroyed, and we don’t know when they can continue their education. During this tragic time, they have been risking their lives helping their friends dig out family members from under the rubble and carrying martyr bodies to the hospital. Ali, 15 years old, is a high school student, a ray of sunshine, always smiling and making everyone laugh even in their incomprehensible situation. Nadine, the princess of the family, is ten years old. They all still have their whole lives ahead of them, but now they must start from scratch.

Your donation will help them rebuild their lives again. It will provide them with shelter, food, and clothes. Any contribution is greatly appreciated and will make a big difference in their lives.




Gestartet am 10.12.23
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Mohammed Ayyad

Mohammed Ayyad


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