Fibra e.V. - charity for brazilian villages

Fibra e.V. - charity for brazilian villages
Marcel Erb

Fibra e.V. is a charity to help people in Brazil. We want to build a photovoltaic-system for the school in Sertânia in Brazil


Alot of people doesnt have flowing and clean water like we have. Thats why we already helped and keep doing, to change lifes and giving children a perpective.

We have 2 big projects nince 1990. One is the village Sertânia, The other one is Pilão Arcado. My uncle Dr. Götz Trabert founded this charity, after he saw need of help in Brazil. We changed very much in this 2 villages: 

education in areas such as hygiene, building water cisterns and tanks, day care centers for kids, classrooms, dining rooms, ambulance, sport areas, free holiday dinner and others. All that was possible because of us and charitable workers. 

Now we want to build a photovoltaic-system for the school, so the school has free electricity.  

It's incredible, how important our work is for the kids and adults in this 2 villages and how their lifes changed from the middle ages to the modern enlightenment. 

For exact informations visit and FIBRA Förderinitiative Brasilienfreunde e. V. on Facebook

So give it a thought and donate:)




Gestartet am 04.04.23
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Spendenaktion organisiert für:

Fibra e.V.

Fibra e.V.

Spendenaktion organisiert von:

Marcel Erb

Marcel Erb



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Gestartet am 04.04.23
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