Empowering displaced Karenni Women at the Thai-Myanmar Border

Empowering displaced Karenni Women at the Thai-Myanmar Border
Sophie Borchard

Assisting in the empowerment of women in Nai Soi to establish a women-led ‘Peace Library‘ to address conflict transformation.


I started working for WEAVE-Women (Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment) in Thailand. 

The organisation is dedicated to work with displaced ethnic Karenni women in communities along the Thai-Myanmar border. It has helped to implement multiple projects related to women’s empowerment & education, a fair trade livelihood program, children’s education and community development - however, this donation will be mainly dedicated to one of the projects: Together with the local community in Nai Soi, WEAVE assists in the facilitation of a Women‘s Study Program (WSP), a 10 months program where women talk and learn about women’s issues, peace and conflict transformation,  human rights and community development & leadership. Recently the so called ‘Peace Library‘ was established in the refugee camp of Nai Soi.  The Peace Library is a joint effort of the WSP students and the organisation ‘Imagine Peace’ and can be a place where peace initiatives are supported and sustained. The goal is to create a long-term project with the ability to work self-reliantly within the community and reach out to a larger audience. This can be achieved through the diversity of workshops, trainings and leisure activities in the political, economic and social realm. All of them may relate to peace in different ways (Ethno-Arts workshops,  peace symposiums, women‘s roundtables, vocational training, movie screenings (beamer/projector needed) etc.).

The program works to provide girls and young people safe access to community education, focusing on community/societal outreach. 

My only birthday wish is to kindly ask for a small donation to further support this project. I’m part of the project development & I’ll be happy to see how your contribution will assist in the further implementation of this project and reach the women of Nai Soi:)

All donations will be forwarded to WEAVE.

Read below for more information:

Originally founded in 1990, WEAVE works to respond to the influx of refugees from Burma (now known as Myanmar) in Thailand and to address human rights, poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and exploitation of indigenous women. Since then, thousands of women and their children were empowered through education and training. Thus, the organization evolved to address the social and economic well-being of refugee and indigenous women by providing them with sustainable livelihoods options in order to break the cycles of poverty and create opportunities for marginalized women and their communities through Fair Trade. WEAVE works to ensure protection and participation of children and women, preserve their cultural identity and their natural habitat. It recognizes the value of preserving their environment, in wisely utilizing their cultural traditions and skills. The organization  also engage with communities to ensure that their voices are heard, they are part of the decision- making process and that they are able to locate support to address their needs. WEAVE knows that the empowerment of women is critical to achieving peace and sustainable development goals and the impact of the work on women’s lives becomes increasingly visible. By providing education and economic opportunities and implement innovative approaches that will contribute to poverty alleviation, WEAVE ensures that women can improve their own lives through dignified means and contribute in peace building efforts and the development of their communities.





Gestartet am 17.02.24
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Spendenaktion organisiert von:

Sophie Borchard

Sophie Borchard



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